2000 Miracle Yearbook
I faculty T eSchoolofHumanities,FineAns, Along with the othe r four schools in and Bible was one of four schools Ceda rvilleColle!,'<', the m~ionswtcmcm at Cedarville College. There "·ere of the School of Humanit ies, Fine Am, 4 departments within the schooL Titede- and Biblical UhocMion was really an ex- panmemsofBiblicalEduo:ation,l.anguage pansion of the college's mi~ion state· andliteroture,CommunicationAns,and mem. The school sought to provide a Musicexpandedtheeducationalhorizons qualityeducationtoitsMudems of Cedan·ille College. There were 800 Dr. jack Rigj,~ wa.> the dean of the studcmsenrolledwithintheo;efourd~'Jl"Tt· School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and mentsin 19differemmajoointheSchool Bible. He was a professor of Bible at the of Humanities, Fine Am, and Bible Ullege. He had bt.""n at Cedarville si nce TheschoolputtogetheramissionstatC· 1967. The Chairman of the Biblical Edu- ment to help show their desin: and gools cation depanment "'aS Dr. Floyd Elmore It said, MThe School of Humanities, Fine Dr. Jam~ Phipps was Chainnan of the Arts, and Bible exists tO facilitate the CommunicationArtsdepanmcnt. Mr. Ed di$Ciplinesofliteroture,philosophy,com- Spencer was the Chairman on the Lan- munication, perfonning arts, visual arts, guage and Literature department. The music, and Biblical teachings to model Chainnan of the Music depanment "'as the integration of faith and learning" Dr.jame5Colman I ),..;J~ 1 .1 1..\1A B;U,..I L.loc,t;,n Cb.IG.-,.-. \V\ . C.,,.omU<oot~lkoAol• K... t \ b.b,J. \I.A C.:mmunodo;nt\.h l).... d Rd.~. I ::\,.D. C.:nom"o"-"lknAI,
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