2000 Miracle Yearbook
faculty -n ~ &hool ofSoci:tl Sciences and Dr. J. Murt;~y Murdoch s.-rv~ as the are challengmg. "'hich mal<.e you thmk -~ Profeuional Studie~ hou§Cd four Chatnnan of the !Xpamnent of Soctal andanaly::esptdficsuuations.w Profcs&or dl'Po~rt mcnts:thc!A-p;lrtmemofSo- Sciences and Hi story. Dr. MurOoch was M:orinus Ha:cn was the chainnan of the c ialSciencc:sandHisrory.thcO ,.panmem also the colle~<e hiswri:m. The d<•part· department. ofPsychology.thc Oepanml'nt ofEduca- ment hadtenprofa.son!eachmgstudent$ TheedliCationdepanmem,chaiml by tiondM::t::ll:panmentofBusulCS&Adminis- "vrktngto••oardeitheraB.A.oraB.S. The Dr. Philip Ba$$eu, offered progrnms on dcr-·mment olfered tl'n Bachelor of Aru teachingearlj•and mtddlechtldhoodedu- Dr. MerlinAgerpresidt.-dasDeanof the majors and one Bachelor of Science ma- e~tion,adoiC!ioCcnt andyoongadult, multi· School of Socia l Sciences and Profes· jor. h :olso offcn:d five minors. : o ~:e lkensurc, and endorsements in com· sionalSn>d•es. Dr.Agerrecei\'rdhisl'h.D. lhe DepanmemolBusinessAdmims- puu.•r/te.::hnologyand reaching english as from tht::Oh io State Unl\·crsu~· 111 1967. trnt!onofferedse.-en maJonanJfi.-e mi· a S«ond language. He " 'all at Cedarville from 1964-75 and nors. lhedepanmenrstat~>dthat its pur· Senior ]enn1fer Tong said that m resumed in 1978 f'OSC""d5"tofacilitatethcde,·clopmemof Cedarville'seducariondcpanmem, "the Six J'rofcnorsincluding Dr. Swnley busin~"SII leaders who nrc personally dis· difference is in the profe!oSOrs." She said Ballard as Chairman !aught in the Psy· cerning, professionally competent. and becau:;e of the (kpartment, "I am ,·ery chologyl::lepartmem. Thedepartmem who .,..,n influence~~~'' organi::ations, conf.Jenttobegmteaehing. Theknov.·l· offered maJors in psychology and ap· profes!itons, and cultu~ from a Brblical edge and 1:uidai'ICC' that 1 ha'-e gained pl ied psychology and a mmor m pS\'· ""Orld "'""'-~ th~hthceducal!ondepartmentwillbe chology. Sen ior jack;.., Smi th ~.~id, "TI1c cbsst.os in.-aluable in the classroom." il.k..l.. l . •\.,..,, P~.D. lk .Srudenrsgerh2nds-on UJ'C'ri~nc~ while at CeWrvillc. \b,.;,,... t-" .,.n,\ I. P..A. a.,.. <IB.......... ,\~ .. ' '""""'·1-kJ..rkD. Cl.,.... d&.I.>I.S.....,. .... Jtw.:...,
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