2000 Miracle Yearbook

£ ving in the Lght ''Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds andpraise your Father in heaven.'' Mflulmu 5:16 ~ saw him every day in hapel and twice a week or Fellowship. Yet, prob- ably few students knew the countless hours that Pastor Robert Rohm had devoted ro serving the srudent body here at Cedarville. Beyond his visible role as Campus Pas10r and Vice Prcsi· dent of Christian Min istries, those who knew Pastor Rohm attested that he spent countless hoors on his knees and ar his desk to fulfill God's call on his life-to work with collCb'C students. Pasto r Rohm fi rst came t o Ceda rville in 1964 when he left Audubon,N}tobecomeacollegefresh· man. Graduating in 1968 with a business major and a triple minor in Bible, psychol- ogy, and Greek, he and his bride then headed off to Dallas, Texas where he entered the custom clothing business. After approximatelysix years in that business, Pastor Rohm reali~ed that GOO wanted him to serve elsewhere. In obedience, the Rohm family headed to Bethel Bap- tist Church, in Michigan, where Pastor Rohm accepted the posi t ion of associ- ace pastor. For the next 12 years, Pastor and Mrs. Rohm developed a passion for working with both college-age and single adults. 1 1986 the Rohm family returned Cedarville, and a shore nine years er their rerum, Dr. Dixon ap- pointed Pastor Rohm w become the Vice Prcsidenr ofChristian Minisui es. This new position thrilled the Rohms because, like his pastoral expe rience, it invo lved an abun· drmce of contact with college students. As Lynn, his wife of 33 years explained, "[Bob] just had a love for GOO and a love for the Word. He also enjoyed that his job centered around students - he enjoyed helping students in this important time in their lives." 1is love forGo::! and college udems was c~idenccd in Pas· r Rohm's datly life. Senior Ann Weeks remembered the time that Pastor Rohm broke his leg sho rt!\' be- fore the school year began. "He was still so full of spunk," she recalled. "He never missed a day of chapel, and he al- ways put ochers' prayer re· quests before his own.~ Many ochers app reci· atcd the fact that Pastor Rohm wem out of his way in chapel, at Chuck's, or walking along the sidewalks, to talk to students. In addition, Pastor Rohm was a beloved actor of the SGA videos, often putting aside his image to become everything from a GAP model to a buff, tough Campus Security Of. fleer. Pasror Rohm's simple acts of kind- ness, selflessness, and humility were what truly set him apart from scores of o ther pastors and Christian leaders, for although his challenges from the Bible ~>.·ere always powerfully delivered, it was his behind-the-scenes laboring and caring that made Pastor Rohm trul\' unique. PastorRohm prcsc:ms ~rful rm:m.ges that (hallcng<c thcst uckn• bodyto live out their fai<hcbily.