2001 Miracle Yearbook

AGameot Inches The Cedarville Universitymen's golfseason included three 18-holctoumamcms, five 36- ho le tournaments. a 54-hole AMC Championship, and the20"' Annual Cedarville Invitational in which the team placcd4"'. Head coach. Jim Krngcl, welcomed back all six golfers from last yea r's roster and added three newcomers to provide depth. "We keep improvingcachycar in srnallcri ncrerncnts than I had hoped, but our goal remains the same , however,and that is to reflect the love of Christ Jesusincvcrythingwedo,""hesaid. Seniors Matt Dunn and Russ Toms provided a !X!Sitive example on and offthe courseasfouryearmembersoftheprogrnm. Othcrmembcrs,MikePoclzer,Crnig Bennington.PetcVischer, andTomSimon, used their talents to lead the team to a 6"' placefinishintheAmcricanMideast Conference. '" Arhte~lcs