2001 Miracle Yearbook

ADOPT A GRANDPARENT Th<• Adopt·a·Gmndparcnt mmoSII)' nwolves fonmngn:la!ionshop$"''llht~dderlyoithe community 1h~h wet:lcly visnmions. Thcor ):OOi osmshan:Ouis•'s\o.·••"•nhth~"·ho~rn~~· llOI.han•J.ouoffannl)·andfneOllsandbecome thm~..OO,.u:dj!r:mdcholJren." 110 Minislrin ADVISORY SEVEN The AD 7 osagroupofs-.,·en n~n dK!..d by the>mdem boJy m ors:am:<' and run WcJn~~· and Sunday night campus fdlo""5hlp 6eO'ICes and ()(her '"''iou<l campus ARK 'Tnc l\rkllaminimyrom~Krclfychild,..,ninSpringtldd The <urn focu~s on sho>.>ing these children God's lo•·cb)·buildingr<:lationsh>pt,.itht!Km,..,n·ingthcm mcals,and!eo~chmgchcm ll oblc l .cuons.