2001 Miracle Yearbook

THE BARN TheBam>sayoo.•thmintstr,·thatuwolves formmgrela!iomhipswnhtl"<:rt<l{.'Crsma relaxedsetllngonFridaye••rnin):$. Thc1r mam purpose can ht:- R<mrned up in l Thes. !:8-9: ~Ha\'mgsofondanaffeclion for)·oo...·ewl.'re,.·ellpleasedtoomp;utto you,rwxonl)· the~ooosreloiChmi,butour h•·esalso,heoluse\·otohadbecomevery d~:artous.M BACK 2 BACK B.-.d 2 Bad osam.no> trylhat 15 basNomoiOr.xr Olapel m Da1·1on. Smdents work "'ith Junior htgh andh~h.sch.oolstudenuinsmalldo.scorlcshlpgroups andlart.oersroups. Al$otheMudemsleadsma ll groups for local hoghKhoolson •••«kn•ghu. BEREA BIBLE TIIeBereloBiblerea rn hclp:~thcmembersofthe church nm thcA"'llna progr.un . The mnlo.>ty m•·olvcs ,.·orkm):wi!hktdsa~oocslto l J. It is a bkssingfor1he rnembers!o:>« ho"·they cooldmakeaddlcrcnce inthelwesofthc childrcnby !alangafewh.oorsa"·eekloassisr "'Uhthechurchprogrnm. Ill Miniuriu