2001 Miracle Yearbook
Rov.• 1: Tomm1· ~ti k<l. Klm N11-.rro, And= G1Li<n,... t <r , Rov.· 2; D•n llornobrook, Emil1· Spu!gkr. Rxh<l Sh<!.i<nt..wr. II«<> J<n><n. April Wo!lon, And)" Koury, Ro,.· J: ROll ~looon, Ju•un Hugh<n, Ad•m Fr<r><h, Greg lhmilron, Tim llornbroo~ BEAVERCREEK BAPTIST CHURCH The Bea,·ercrcek a~rtist Church team enjoys theopportunit)' toministertothekidsthrough thcAwanaandnurseryprogramsatBeavercreek. Usu~llythekids cndupministcringtothete~rn morethanthcyrninistcrtothekids. Team unity isanimportantpart ofthisgroup's effL'(:tiveness. r-------------------~~----, BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH TheBetheiBaptistteamisim·olvedwithtcachingthe 4·year-oldsthrough6thgradersduringSudaySchoo1. Thcyaloo as:;;istwiththcnursery,children's church, andthejuniorhighgroup. R.,.· l: Dan• lluc:m1, l••• l.auri ,.<n, R.,..· 2: K"< ll...:mo, Jan<t KJ•hl"ugh, C.rr >< Zicg<nfu.,, C~""' "" i~h~~~~,., J: Klmb<rl)' Nibnrri, KriS<<n Cbq-..J<»h Jo!tmon, ll<ni•m in llonc~.Jul"= ~l ar>h>ll, ,\ bndoo "' Mini stri es BR ISTOL HOUSE The Bristol House Nursing Home is a visitation ministT)" ,inwhichthete~rnrnernbersspcndtime pc~¥>nallygcningto knowtheresidents ofthc nursing home. Thegoaloftheiroutrcachis to sharethcGo:>pclwiththc.seindividuals.
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