2001 Miracle Yearbook

CEDARVILLE PARTNERS Ce.laro'illc Partncn IS a ht~ hro!:her/bi ~: SI>ICT min- 1~11)' that ITIC<!Il onc-<.>n -QI'K' wuh s1udems from CcJa!CI•ff Elcmcnt:<f)' School. Tiplc.~ll ) , the learn membo'l'$ \ ' 1>11 the. ch1ldn.'n's hon~or take them out m 1hl' cotmnumt)'· The rnLm>lf)' 1> an orponumt y to 1>.: a role moJel and example o( Cluo~f> lo\"c to J.aJ;; in dw commumt)'- CEDARCLIFF ELDERLY APARTMENTS ThcCeJ.uC I,ffEI..krl)- Apanm<•m u::a1n oq.•:mt:e> anJ ].,ads a B1f>l.: ~tuJ)· anJ l'f"dL><' time ..-uh the re- i<kn!~- 1ll<' '"'""""i mrtbwrtl:l)• anJ 1S hosu::d hyone o( 1he •~"" •Jenh who ll\·es on the- ap.~Tinl<.'nt cmnple~ . R.... - U... on< f..<ri><<.l><q>Nnoc llulhnpi><od,\•hl<T I;.n..,;t.<o. ( ;,.,oc""'V""«m. \kh•N~. h.<llr} t..od••<l. ~-;!:T.,.,... .,.,.,...._,-.,..,.... ,, ,...,._ \00. 11«~«, .\l <lano< "u~'"" """ \lot.....,, I-.., \ brh, h.<lk " '-"· Roo. \ T om llo>Nib<uo>l. l.aurw R, ,.,, \J<U ·~..,.b.. !mol..., IJI,, Ch"'""' ' ""iutd, :....on~ ~ -- """'"'""· R•,. ., [)"><I ' '""""'t''"· '""'" ll<mun, :ot<ph>ru< h.rn.i«-C..,..-rll. Jon ()n,n, ll<K~. ,,.. h.k1n. Plnhp \ omd CENTRAL STATE UNI VERSITY Thos mnll<ll)" re~teh~-soo.u to Cenn1ol Swu: Unl\"ersity~' lluoldnq: rdauomho~ l>'lth the Chmuaru and non- Chmu;omwholottenJthcre . Theoq::ooliswhdpatdthe l:....lte\"e l'!l tne\"all !,>eh:on~: ontheor campusandtospread GoJ"s lowe. The)· flnJth: llthos isa ~,'i"t:<ll""aY IO reachout to theirr•:el'llot\ O(hercolle!,>eCampuses.