2001 Miracle Yearbook

CLOWNS FOR CHRIST ThcCiown1forOm>t te.tm n\101>1<""' tochtldn·nuf~ll 3$:<.-"SbypnwoJmga fun l'n-sem:nKlllO( thcGo.pd. Th<'l perform a thcny ru(,,..,\. nnnUI<'I'fO!.'Tilln .. ·hoch mduJ..~ excm~ ~~" m..J ~ku,. CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER ,\kmbc:n u( ern. L\lC mnu$1>") te:>m seck to be: ~n ~rK<>IJ~mc:m to th~ chcklrcn, their po.rccncs. and the h<>Spnal ~taff man) ,..,., thq· nn. Thccnm rrurust~n rochcchcldrcnb. plnon~;g:.n~n~spo.:nd•n~!imc:,.-ith them to hdp cake their mmds off thc1r cllnu!l:s. COLONIAL BAPTI ST AWANA The Coloma I ll.1ptost A"·ana team 5er\"~ "'ith the por- Jl'Cl'il'ofbo..n1Jm!!"'lauomhtp<"'11h)·oun~:peopleand challcngm);: chem en thctr porn.u of God. They work IUth dw A"-an:o prQ~:mmarnl aS!it>t Ill theyouthj:roupas