2001 Miracle Yearbook

" StudcntUfe Boy Bonding For the men at Cedarville University, donn I i fe was anything but boring. Unitandhallmcctings, parties. pick-a-dates, late night conversations, video games, along with classes and studies helped keep students busy well past curfew. For many, these activities provided a foundation upon which to build lasting friendships. Brett Cannichacl, a four year resident of Cedarvi lle' s donns. has enjoyed the chance to meet people and develop friendsh ips. "The donns we re a great place to hang out with friends, aflcrcurfcwofcoursc, and goof off. They were also a pl3cc to learn about life by talking to other people with different backgrounds and ideas. I was g lad to spend the last four years gcuing to know interest ing people and rm looking forward to keeping in touch with them as we go our separate ways." With the new Steven's Student Center. the guys from the Hill found their hike to Chucks to be longer than it had been the year before; however. the guys in Brock enjoyed not making the trek past Cedar Lake. Students found new paths to the new cafeteria. The guys on the Hill even used an o ld wooden plank to cross the small creek between ENS and the SSC. As more and more students moved ofT campus because of larger enrollment. the guys remembered their donn years fondly. Senior Keith Flcntge said. ··we used to have a blast in the domts. There were so many guys around there was never a dull moment. There was always someone to distrac t you from your homework. It was great playing practical jokes on each other." Whether the guys studied or not. the dorms were a grea t place to live for the men at Cedarville. urc in the dorm in