2001 Miracle Yearbook
DAYTON CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH ENGLISH TUTORING Tht- f'UtfJOSC' oi thl' luiOflll!llllllll>lf)' tOIOOhart-Chn>t "'tth Chon<'l;C fncoJ~. Tht>mtnt>t..,' focuse5on de•·elop- mg fncndsht("5 wuh thcChu1ese throu~o:h th<· free con· \"CI'SallonEnllhlhleWJrutheyoffcr. 1(,,.- loiCb<>bo:th Cl._,.....,_ I..N~f<l 1>,., J<"" <h<n, I '11><r l>.h, ,.,.. \l>tt"'. 1-..>r<n \(aUf<f, ko.. 2:. \llo.on li.,.,.,r, Lnn \\ """'· k1•n \IC(Ohox. ~""'" \l>l'tln. k>nd>ll I~"'''''"'·J«...- ~1-Jolm, ,,..... l·ulkf, R'-"' 1:.1!><1'1.-. 1\<bo:r, l in<n· '-. o<k<"'"'· ll<fo ( br~. 1\.r~ II"' '·)"""' lrl"~'"· lkn llot<h<ll ~--------------~~----~ DAYTON GOSPEL MISSION The purpose of the Daywn Gospd ~!i,. t<>n o,; to put Chmt first m allthms,.,. Th.:ywork with thc,~:tffolthe gospe l mi.ston prep3rin11 ~nJ ~rvmJ,: n~als, :ts well as mtm>t.,nnlllu the chdJren th~h music. Bible 1~ !oOOS,andothcr•·;moosactl\'illl'S. DAYTON DETENTION HOME M.,ml:...•r<oithctc;omoh:orcth.,l,wem'kl t•·•t omonj'O(jcsus Clm>t "'tth )'<Jtlllll men :onJ ""ml'n :11 the Dayton Dct<'n· uon Hun..,, F..ocmi!IJ: on , lo.c orlu~j: the lust 3nJ ruur on sporot,dmtcammnu>t<'l'tuthen-.o.knr.;rhruugh>i.lll~,the WurJniGoJ,anJinJI\·o,lu<tlcnton.chnl!"'»'""'· ~taw t~<rl'- O 'lbn.JW < ~ ..... lh"'' l: \bb\ o...,... """':.Choott<T, ll<b«<. ~~rooo..._eo..nnn Co>.,\l<lo... F!Wtcn ll<>o·J<I.><-bbo<!Mf. \ .......... ,1<-M<ft.(:h,..lbnk-o!,J<..t.c-plo'-..>hno,P...J.\tx.hom 12 1 ,\linistrits
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