2001 Miracle Yearbook
FAR HI LLS MIDDLE SCHOOL Tiw: F..r H11ls' mmmry foct~ on denlopmg fnendships ,.-uh the M,dJie School Youth and helplngthcmgrowm!he•rrcbtiomhif'S"''thGod. FIRST BAPTIST, TIPP CITY Thos~,:roupnmsth<'yOulhnunljii)'OI>WcJru.""S Jays anJalsomm•s•cnmthc:churchthroogh panl(:lp;!llon m ch>ldr<:n's chu rch and music onS..ndaymormng<. Fl RST BAPTIST, ENON T cam oncmbcn; \'Ohl11tl'ef to onml>t cr to the young f"'<lf'leclF•N&pu>t.rca<:hollj.l~'<anJgtrlswtth the ppelofChns1 :ond mun1ng thcm 10><.'1'\'<' H1m Ill ,\ l iniuri ts
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