2001 Miracle Yearbook
GRAND HEIGHTS BAPTIST, FAIRBORN TilC!iestudcnu"~>fk"•u hrhcnurseryanJ ch oldrcn'~ church e•·ery Sund.oy morning. They lo-.·e~o..,un~g involn'll n1aloc.1l chun:h anJ J.,'CI UnJ: to l:no\O' the bnnl•e~. The)'""MI>e nlJ,: :Ihl<'rotca.chthcclaMCS so thatthe!'<lrt'msaon hemthc:church..:rvice. '" Minis tricJ GRACE AWANA , CEDARVILLE AWANA at Gr.>e<= I.S aloclllchurch mmt~rythat reaches out to tht'local communit y by numstering toch,]Jrenage§ 4throu~:hstxtht.or.odc.At~1'tCIInightcoruisaofml.'mori: mgB•bl.,,·.,rso._.,., rl : oyin~:g.1nw=s,:~ ndt.st. ,mngto alesson. GREENE COUNTY BOYS' HOME The Boys' l-lum<'isawt.-ckl yvisnm lrnlministry "'hcn:Ud,orvillcstudcnn im••r..cl " ' ith troubled tt.-ens. lhc tc:nn t.->t:obll slw~ and nurtures pcNOnal rdauonshops through a variety of ac t ivi t ies. This miniSiry ls notonl y :ibo.nh :w n~gfun:ualsoencoor at.'d thctt.-emtodcvdoparclauomhip"'llh] esus O,nst.
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