2001 Miracle Yearbook
GREENE COUNTY CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER Mcmbt:n of 1hos monisll)' &o:ek 10 ferv~ !hoe Lonl lh rot~~:h l'fesl.'f\'mg 1hc $30CIIIy of Iof<• hy hdr•n$: 1hc GCCI'C to mmo$tcr to"umo.·n :ond1w!s on umt:soi need. They :~erve as •"Oiumccr coon,;elon, offo'fUll( fn.~ prcj.:n.1o\Cy ICSI:S. diem scn•ices, and 0\'Cr~ll itlf'POI1· Thl"j' ~ lso funcuon asare50Urccte;un,$011mJ:dO!hmganddon:ouoru,help- 'ng m !he office, :md dc;mm~. GREENE COUNTY J UVENI LE DETENTION CENTER Th is is a \'l j lla'u on :ond rncm.:mn~: uuniStry whoch en<k;o•·orstocncoo.o.,.._,.,:mdwiU>CS$1othcyo•nh:lltht: roc..~ l yoothtk!<•ntion f:oc oluy . GREENE COUNTY JAIL Tim mintSU)' provuks church for dw inm:otl"S :u the CQUnty j:oil. Th~·y lll<.'CI woth the onmatl'S ul<loviJually:II.J msm.:oll~:ruurs. Th...,· muu>tcrlo 1hcm !hnltl):h Scnp1urc :ond cncot~r~!-"'"'"nt. m Minin ries
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