2001 Miracle Yearbook
GREENE MEMORI AL HOSPITAL Smdent5 ass•st the Emergency Room staff by domg manylinlech.oresforthem. "T'tw,yal$1'.1spo:ndumc talking to the p.~tu~nts. They rnjoy set..,.inj: mhrn in a physicaland.spintualv.'<!y. GREENE COUNTY RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTER - GIRLS ThLS mcmlle'rs of this mmlllry vis11 the treat- mentccntcroncea"'eekinonkrtobuikl rclatiomhip:~~with!hchope:tofsharingthe gosp~:l and .JMing 1hcm come to know Ouist as pi:T$C.lrui1Saviol'. GREENEWOOD MANOR Gr..en~woc:>J Mai\Of 11 :onursing home in Xenia, Ohio. Agroupofabouttwlcvegoever.,·Wednesdaynightto visitwiththercsidcntsandsLrlfi5C.>rtlCofthcirf.woritc K>ngs. TI1e studcms on the learn al""l" come back "'ilh!:TCa!SIOTies, "' Mini 5t r ia
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