2001 Miracle Yearbook
HEATHERGREENE NURSING HOME I The He:~thel),'f'l'C~ I nurs1ng l1.otm mimstry's pur- f"*'iStoolfcrkn"C'tOt~eldcr ly. ~consoJerit a pri.,ilq:eto~abletobu oldrelatiomhips,.·ithth~ gre;~tpcople. uo Mlnlst rl u HANNAH HOUSE Th~ Sludent!i work as •·olunteers ro help mini!ler to s1ngle IO'OO'ICn :ond their ch,]dren. Their main focus is to develop fr~end>hops and provkk chikkare in order to bnng theM: IO'O!llCO mto a bener undernandong ol God and His uow:ondniQnallo•·e for them. H EATHERGREENE NURSING HOME II The Heathei'I,'Tet-ne II nur.;,ng home minim•! is a visitationprogrnminwhichmembo:n~ktofellov.·· sh ip,.•nhresidenu throughvisning,singing.praying, and readi ng Scripture . Thist:l \.:es pl~ein aone-on one aunosphcre in mdivodual's rooms and al.!o in a gmup&enong. Nocon ly do n..,mbersbles.andencour· aj,'e th,elJerly,butal.!ooltcntnnes theresidentsdo so
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