2001 Miracle Yearbook
HILLSIDE RETIREMENT HOME Mcmbersofth•smoni.llryfcllo""Ship,m\!l.andplay games with thl.' elderly at l ·!.lbi~ Ret~rcmem Home. Their main purpose is to cncoumgc "''cryooc 1h.at •s then: and have a hm wne. They abo pu t on special puppetsOO.."S,f"!'rformdromas,andh:wcpanieswnh thc residenlS. HERITAGE FELLOWSH IP, SPRINGFIELD 1-.lcmb..,rs of thiS team are im·ol,~ in nu~rous monis- lri6:U Hcnrngeftollov.'Ship,includingChiklren'sChun:h, Kid'~; Club, Yout h GrotJp, 1\Jpp<:l$, and Worship. llwy are$0t han ldulfor thcopponunity roservethischurch Fonml1·· Row 1: M<>lly Rexford. A.rn> nd.. Kirdu><r, EdV.ndtrs...h. Row 1: Midud llolim.s.nhS. 8oillo<, M<Lmir kbn,lle>ty Nfflon. BobKod><r, Row 2: St<plwo ~t.nick. TU..O.hyGroff,An.drnrW.S..Uth, TimCocht'tll, TimChUVftu, Rowl: Erin KnowL..,O..,idkH'P"', M<>Dicoli~.Rtb«njol>uon.O:u»D•""- HOMES FOR LI FE Homes for life h\\'el;tt-d in manv fatni li ei liv~. working c106Ciy wi!h Habimt for Hum~nity in their local affili· ates,bUIIdinghomcs fcrrth(!Oitwhocannocaffordhous· ingontheirO\Oo'n . '" i\lini~trits
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