2001 Miracle Yearbook
M.A.P. ~tA.P. (M~.,nori::n ion, Accoo.mmbiliry, l'royo:r) is a ;'~in~~,:i g\:~~ ~ :,n~~- ~~~hurc~b; :::;o:~~~p!tdl~r:~~!r;k~ sharewhart~h;welcamed.lnaddnoon,th..>yprny for~hod'IC.'Tandforthechurch,o,sto "'iuchthey mmisl:('l". Theydesin: to~r.·e rhe bodyofChrisl: by 5haringtheiXJ"-eroftheWordandirupinngapass.x~ forScrip:urcmemory. 1J2 Minls! riH INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS INCORPORATED lA members .. m wnh rile ch,IJren ci lnt<"rruuional Ohio &..re !Wdenu who aueod a S.bk studo,· al a local church. ~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~%ehr1~ aJO)· forthemroshan:OuU(!ilo-.·cwiththescchildrenand t~·•'•'IS and""'" parenu.. MERCY MEDICAL Th iS UHilL>li"(IL'3 n> C.,n!t,N arotn>J interac:ting with patientS and smff in a hospital >emng. Through working m the dep;mmt.'t'lrsoiPmiem Services, Po:di· :::::~~~~~~:Jr~~::g~ri~~ hkelo-·candcompassion.
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