2001 Miracle Yearbook
MIAMI VALLEY CPC The Miami Valley CPC team aursu at rhe center in a variety of 10·ays. They answer the c~relines, help to o rgam:e materials for dlf:nt s"n •ocrs, and counsel ,.·omen about aboni on. h is nciting for the team members to be able 10 get to lm0\0' many different ,.·omen from many walks of life. MUELLER CENTER ThiS mint5!ry team hokb a Sunday evemng service for the ~odenlS at the, Center. T'hc, resid..•ms howe menrnl and physical handicapl"'hKhpn:ventthemfrontaUendingan:gularchurch service. Thest"N.uincludc.-s~games.andashonmess:age. NORTHWEST BI BLE CHURCH JR. HIGH
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