2001 Miracle Yearbook

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE The Ron.~ld McDonald u.•:nn 5t't'ks to encoom1,oe the staff and !.'UOU o( the Hoo,..,. lhey do this through I""Y'"andhclpingwnhtheday·to-dayoperntic.>n!of the HOOK, wch as deamng and offke "urk. They arethererosupportthe5taff ..·ithallthrydo. Row!: ErinT.Jdo,j....,,..Esta, Row2: N><>m~Viu,Rxlud Mohk<, Kdsi <S.ri -.Hollyl'onb<'loRow }: J...ic• S.ntu.lln.nSd•ildrodt. ,O.ri• M><kl<n, Mmt Erihoa, k<lxu:o Loun RIDGEWOOD NURSING CENTER The Ridgt",.'OOJ Nursing team ministers to the rni· denu :11 the nurs.ng home C\'eJY Wedl>eSday through :100g, visotallon, and l"llY<'r. Their goal is 10 sOO..• Om~'slove byencoumging and bnngmg smiles to the facesof tl~ sicka!ldloocly. SOUTHGATE BAPTIST AWANA Aw.UI:•isaboutloveforthekids3ndforjesus ~:!sd.u~ 5 ;~= ~\:.~"~B~~~;~h:'kKk during the entm:cvening.As muchsuperv ising as they do. thetr minimy is of kwe to the kids. The•r goo! 15 to~ ,ru, kiJs <Je,·elop an e•·en grea ter k:r.·cfor jt'SUSand the Bible. 137 Mlni slries