2001 Miracle Yearbook

AdaonMi>r><ondO... ~II<~Iiddhdptoprowld< ,..I>IIIIU!J<durln&th<~U"ioft>Conltrtn«ch<ld intho,.......... O..,..tll<lil The Kingsmen Quartet, agroupof si~ men uK<I thetrmdwidu:ll skills tntluding \"Ocal rakm, k~boanfraknt andaudi.o•·isuo.ltcchrucalsl<ills toshartdlttr fatth. Th~·fnturc:da comboruoonofmusicalgm~tomirusterinlocalchun::hcsdunngthernnnd tlltndunng the summer months :a:s ,.~]1. 11>t)· rourc:d in llltnois.lndiana. ~nd Ohrudunng the summer break Junior Nick T rnan ,.,., the nudem luder and the tC"Om ,..,., dtrtttW ~·Jim Cato. MMny>nlocal<l>u«l>n,.obrg<ponolth< k><>n"tt><hcdokforth<NnpmrnQu>n«. 141 M lnlu riu