2001 Miracle Yearbook

Touring Teams Masters Puppets 1 The Masters Pup~s I ttlm s~nt the year minisuring to local churches and to each other. They prepued different pf'O&I'liDS to share, dt~nding on their targ~ audience. During the summcr momhs they tour..d exunsivcly in Michi~n including the Up~r Peninsula. Todd Pel\owe led the team, and Br-~ndon Wahzdirected it. MOne of the Masters Puppets 2 Much like their countu pan, Mutcn Puppets 2 had the unique opponunity to minister to churches with the main empuis on children during the ;>Cedemic yen. They also touredduringspringbrnk. Thcyprcpnedv:~riou:;;pro­ gr~nu for uSI' during both the spring break and summer tou rs. The tum covered a larger area in the Soutbw.-stcrn pan of the stat.-s. They ranged from Missouri to California and cvcry wh<"rc in b.-tw~n. Sam Gil ben led the team, and BrandonWaltzdirraedit. 142 Ministries