2001 Miracle Yearbook

RobY>khold>oncofth<ol>j«lln..,..>i~r"tkol tht l<">m ...n durins th<i• c~ildr.,., · I""V'"" kl th<<hurchco....:IV-ionBrbltSdiOOiprov••~> . Lifeline Players The Lifeline Players wt>re able to ~the unique tool of dnm~ 10 minister to prople of all ages. They prqmed skits and church pror,nms designed to minister to diffc~nttarJ;.-taudicnces. Th<"ymur..dduring the:~Cackmicyurand alsoSpring Break and Sum~mr break. During the summer they toured along the can ~~ from New Jersey to Florida. Senior Scott Simons led the tum, and Brandon Waltz dir«tedit. 143 Ministri ts