2001 Miracle Yearbook

Lady Dorms L1re night ta lks. Studying. A~ women li ved together and Friendshi ps that last forever. grew in thei r fri endships, a Living in a dorm was a life- unique bond was formed. The changing experience for rhe women leamcd tosuppon each almost 1400 women who chose orher through di fficu lt times to liveinresidcncehallsduring and hold each other account · theZ000-2001 school year. Fe- abletoGod'sWord. For junior maleschosetoliveinthedorms Angela Rosseau, the account· formany di ffcrcmreasons,rang- ability she found in her unit ing from the decision to be a mates is the reason she chose to Resident Assistant w broaden- cont inue living the dorm. ing horizons to the expanded Senior Miranda Tobias wardrobe acqui red by living chose to live in the dom1 with several other women. because she s..1. id ii "broadened For freshman Molly Earley, my hori zons and taught me living in the dorm was a ''great more about people than [ bonding experience. I love the could learn anywhere else." support that Iget from the seven By living closely with other other girls I live with." TI1ese students, women learned a fri endships formed in the resi- great deal. dence dorms were essential to Dorm life was al so a great the residential life loved by so time to develop friendships. many women. "There's always As sophomore Emily Gayer people around when you need said, ~The girls who I have to talk,"freshman Beth Wright lived with are like famil y, and commented. I appreciate them so much !"