2001 Miracle Yearbook
Fresh Start Getting Started 'OOwasa weekend of emenainmcm and expectations for new SlUdems. Inside the Dixon MiniStry Ccmer, arrows, signs, and tables welcomed freshmen as they began the ir registration proces:;. Ninety pcrcemoffreshmcn registered on Friday, although there was the opt ion for Saturday morning reg is tratio n. The fun began Friday nigh t with an Early Arrival Party in the infield of the track, high lighted by sumo wrestling, an inlbwblc obs tacle course, and prizes awarded by the campus radiosfation. Registration wrapped up on Satu rda y, and freshmen orientat ion was unde r wa}'· The new arriva ls enjoyed a Lady jacket's soccer game and their tlrst meal at the Chuck's. After filed into the DMC for Geni ng Started '00. An enthusiaslic staff of upperclassmen introduced the small group meetings with a new twist on The Pretender's song "Fi\·e Hundred Miles." Freshmen stumbled to the m01ions and laughed with new friends. The transfers then visited professors' houses and went on scavenger hunts, while the freshman sma ll groups bonded as they tre\.:\.:ed from different meetings and acted out various charades. TI1e first worship service began Sunday's activities. New srudemsenjoyed a hi\.:e to the Indi an Mound, complete wi th a detour m.1ndated by bees. Getting Started 'OOwastoppedoflbyanSGAbonfirc, including a praise, worship, and testimony time. It was a memorable smn for freshmen and tmnsfers, en
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