2001 Miracle Yearbook
" I Love America " Stud~nl Life Homccomi ngweekcnd uoold not be complete wilhout the parade. Early Saturday morn- ing, faculty, students, alumni, and wwnspeoplc gathe red and lined Main Street to watch the process ion. The fall weather combined with thctrumpctsand drums of the Cedarville and Xeniamarchingbandsprcxluced a li vely feel among participants and bystanders . The parade involved a wide variety of individuals, including everyone from Dr. and Mrs. Dixon to "Nell ," the newly adopted campus dog. Homecoming coun queen and attend an ts, campus o rganizatio n members, and CedarWhat! l()(X) candidates A majoraspect of the pamdc was the competit ion among t he class homccoming floms. Thisyear's theme was"! Love America." The winner of the competition was the sophomore class, making it the ir second victory in two years. The ir float, entitled "Cruisin' Route 66 with the C lass of 2003," depic ted aspects of modem American life. Overall, spectators and participants enjoyed the event . Sop homo re Ab igai l Brown, memberofADO, a women'sscrvice organ itation, commented that contrnry w her initial expectat ions, she had a great time being involved in the parnde. She added, "The parnde seemed to bring the whole
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