2001 Miracle Yearbook

S tud t ntLi fe Different The school name had recently changed, buildings had changed, and with the stan of the new school year, many faces had changed. Cedarville was "differ- ent." Homecoming 2000 cel- ebr.ued those differences as SGA Via-president Amy Nyhuis wanted to make sure the student body, especially fellowseniors, had the opportunity to experience Cedarville "In a different light." Homecoming 2()()() was just that . Attendees rook pictures, made memories, and ate their home- comingdinnerfor the first time in the Stevens Student Center caf- eteria. Upon entering the ban· quet hall, commonly referred to as "Chuck's,nguestsweregreetedby candlelight and the sweet serenade of Jan artist, Mi les Davis, which Light quick ly transported many away to a fine dining experience. The three-course dinner be· gan with Caesar salad, followed by lemon chicken over linguine, with a vegetable winter mix and dinner rolls, and fo r dessert· cheesecakeandSnickerspie. After reminisc ing about fun times at Ceda rville, seniors made their last homecoming memory comple te as Grand Marshals, Jon and Donna Purple, announced the Z<XXl homecoming court and crowned Miss Tisha Tapp ZOCJO Homecoming Queen . After the dinner, many went ove r to enjoy the homecoming concert featu r· ing LaRue and Newsong. ]amGrubcrtaodSarahttl · ~rehaveadcllg.IUF~o~lcvenlng d~o~rlngthehom«omlngban­ qpct.(Centa) ThesmilingFacesrep- resenttheen(oyable night experienced by aiLlBottomleFt)