2001 Miracle Yearbook

Class Sweet Hearts Homecoming ZOCXYs theme, "In a Different Light," cast its glowon nine special women, each with a unique light of her own. Auen- dants Elizabeth Byers, Katie Jack- son, and Kim Wills represented the freshmen, sophomore,and j un- io r classes respect ively, whil e sc· n io rs Mandy Byrd, Ka ndancc Kenyon, Ruthic Price, Janelle Rocke, Shawn Stevens, and Tisha Tapp made thi s year's court espc· d all yremarkable, for most of them were all close fri ends. Janelle, a nursing major from Illinois, said that she loved persona ll y knowing "each of the senior girls and under- standing that their priority in life wasn 't to ga in any admirarion or adorat ion for themselves but to give a ll glo ry to the Lord." To be a member of Homecom- ing roya\ ry is agreat honor that few receive, but there was no doubt th:u the women selected to this year's coun graced the student body with their spirit , unity, laughte r, and radiance. "What I enjoyed most was getting to have fun with the other girls on the court. Each one is a gem!" said Mandy. From the stage tO the parade, the girls embod ied the heart of Cedarville University. As thctimedrewneartoannounce the queen, the senior attendants maintained their humble attitudes as they all felt that just to be nominated was an incredible privilege. Their outlooks did not change when stu· dents voted Tisha Tapp qucen. 'The Lord has taught me that this blessing is a gift," Tisha said, "but eternal things arc His main concern and mme Ruthie summed up the Home- coming coun experience 10.-hen she sa id, ''The members of the court are not only to shine for Cedarville but also to minor the light of God's love, and it was such a treasure to watch each girl sparkle." JANELLE ROCKE &nior Attendant RUTH PRICE SHAWN STEPHENS ~~~~~~ L Senior Auc:nd.am Org. Comm. / H.R. Mgt . Dc:nvillc:, NJ LETITIA TAPP Homecoming Queen O rg. Communications Warrenton, VA KANDACE KENYON Senio r Anc:ndant .!i~~~;~:"~c 23 St LKI~nt l.irt