2001 Miracle Yearbook
ASME AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS They arc an Of!,>anization designed to expose aspir- ing engineers to various fi elds of mechanical engi- necnng. First Row: S ten: Parker, Jenney Flood. Jon Kra.chenfels, Rebe<:cajohl\$0<\. Second Row: JO$$C Frede: rick, Jenny Ell iot, Lindy Aderlini. Kriny M~ndrgo. Adam Yingling, Neil Martin. Third Row: Man Smit h, Da•·e Ma rshall, Jonathan Matuon . N.clc Farohtt. Lucas Be;ll;lt. ALPHA DELTA OMEGA Alpha Delta Omega is a social service organiza- tion. Socially, they pro\•ide opportunities for fun and fellowship while seeking to encourage Cllch other. In the area of service, they have worked at the Ronald McDonald House, been invoh·ed in Angel Tree at Christmas, and hos ted a clothing drive for the need )' in the Dayton area. Ftr.~t Roor. Sal2h Ronc:lmvrskt, Alia Hunrtr.Jcnntfcr Wood, Kartn Campb.-11. Kacie H~t'"·s.cond Ro-. Mcpn Earky. Carol}"n Duer. Emilt•Gat-.ct. Leah Gombis, Shat Ebm. Kellec Clady, Abby Br""·n.ltlll Pedmon. Row 3: Saoah Clark , Kdly Killian. Andrea Pancnon. Eh:abcth Whitley, lisa Whitlcy.jcncllc fon"<~rd. AmandaM~nasc. Mdi..:o Pdlovo.., FirstRow:Kcndrn C.usidy,Rachd Hefficld, Emily Elwell, ApriiWau;on. Second Row: Emily Spangler, Terrai'OO!ten,MariAna Young. ThirdRov.·: Missylasso.Amanda Dt·e.DustinWalhr,jen Castellani, Erica Johnson. Fourth Row: Jim S!i t:ei.Valerie Wubbena,MattCarr. MeliS~o<~fa ,.x:en,Beth O rg• niut ions
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