2001 Miracle Yearbook

ESO The Eanh Stewardship Org2nization enhances the awareness, under- standing, and apprecia- tion of God's creation. They promote opportu· nitic:s for Christian c:n- \•ironmental steward- ship through intellec- tual, recreational, and community sc:rvtce en· deavors. E PSILON ALPHA P I As a social ~~o•ork club, they are committed to helping others through various service: projects. This year they ~~o•c:m to a homeless shelter to do volumc:cr work. 11lc:y also had a coin drive and 0rg2nizc:d supplies for the Xenia tornado shelter. FirR Row: Heat~r Alberuon, Ddniclle Hagen, Kate Ndwn. Se<:ond Row: K)·le Merkel, lou Can.-eth, Kelly N~. FirsrRow:SarahSilvieus, DehonHoch~red lcr, StephanicKurowicki. Or~ulurlo n s First Row: Deborah Oingman. Second Row: MclissaFri~n.Amanda Krrchner,Megan Whitman. Th ird Row: )awn Holma. Ryan Flunk~r.