2001 Miracle Yearbook

ISO INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION IOOF INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS IOOF holds a weekly service for the residents of the nursing home in which they sing, prny, and share a shon devotional. They also go out and visit those who are unable 10 come ro rhe scn:icc. Their main pl is to provide lo\'C and cncoUI'llb'C· mem ro those who may nor be able ro gcr our ofren. First Row: Andy Pnano.h"<Mi l'hilllr. Tnn Pnano. S«ond Row: Clmr Srengo=r,l).,ren Norrrs,SarnSturges. JC55i Vander Mehden. Nor: Picrured: l).,'"id Morrungstar. IEEE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICSENGINEERS IEEE brings in local speakers dealing \\~th Elec- trical Engineering topics. Their purpose is to unify and k"2m as a group of Electrical Engineers. First Row: Broruon Hokuf, jenn1fer Lut~. Roy M""llngi. Second Row: Diane Hyln, D.wc )O'f""'Stra.)HS<: Hornback, Andrew Smtth,Jonathan Nen, f3r\,nt Miller. FimRow:Marigrace Guce,Estherl.oh, Kokelomo Kolawale, SamhTomkin50fl, T~ha Seabr:o. Second Row: DavidROS$,Andrea Fnmka,Femanda Femancks,h-aN Batinic,MO!oibhika"-a. Kim!)c,rlyTipton,Sncha )05q~h. Row nu~: MicahThirey,Andrcy Arkh1pov,C.,rtjan FJik,.·een,Thwc E~Mr$()('1, Roy Mwangi, Brent Miller.