2001 Miracle Yearbook

KEA KAPPAEPSILONALPIIA LITERATI The Lit erati promotes literary 3\\'ll.Tcncss and en- eoura!,_OCS studem writing through ),>rOUp discus- sions an<l activities. R.,..· I: Andrew Huss. Daniel McCoy, Srocey Shcolnil:. Row 1:Car~Smdcr,RobMoii,Amo«Arlmurn. N01: pte!ured: NocoleScott,MichctleBud!,<es- Rowl: jon Es1es.Row Z: Ka tieBut-chncr, jcnnWca•·cr,Chris Ncwh~rd.Mimi Grossman,Eiiu•bc1h Gowdy. Row J: Eli:abethDudkk, Lynn Wagner, Natalie Nicholl, Katie Rolxru,L«Ann Seruoeney.Kim Hain Row 4: Brandon Moses,Kyk McCarrell. Rt"'" Ruff, Joo::Micl<cy. 256 Organlutlon~ Russ Toms. TomSimon. Clm~ M:ad:lin, Dan Dunham, Brian Hill, Na1han Boone, Jon;uhan K1rby. Row 4: Cr.ug Bantle, ScouMeckley.Allen Rager.PctcrHochstaeltcr, Nkhola'!Walton.Selh CIQ\\-der,Jod B. Adams, Joe Mul vaney. MENC MUSICEDUCATORS NATIONAL (X)NFERENCE MENC is a profes- sionalorga.niz:uiondc- signed to keep music education m3jors in- formed :about trends "~thin the field. They hoklfrcqucmmcclings during "·hich impor- tant :and helpful topics :arc addressed.