2001 Miracle Yearbook

PI D ELTA Pi Delta is the campus tour organi ~ ation, showing guests thcbcautifulgrounds thatCc:dar"illchas. Thcirgoalisto prommc Cl-.:larvillc Univcrsit)' and w let others know thcirlovcforChri st. Row 1: Rachdlc Denton, Omstma Whcatly. Row 2: 1-.kgan Miller, Laura Hummit :s.:h . Andn:;o Pateci'!Oil, l}..nellc Elhs, Al\'5&1 Rost. Ro"' J: Crystal Skam.~nkh, Summer Allt50fl, Ryan Flunkcr, Gretchen Bigl<-y. Desm:eAnderson, Kri>la Morrt$, Beth3nne Whakn. Rov.· 4:ja500 An•...-11 (Adl•i$0)1'), Bob Lur:,}oe Mulvam.·~·. K:trl Feucht. Dan Konopasek, Kevi n l.e1·erson, M~eh.-.el FernJ,:no, Gr.i)'lkll & h3fcr. OFFICER CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Ofticcrs Christi:lll FdJo,.·ship scrocs to prepare Rm'C cadets to be Christians in the mrln:uy, pr:>r for our nation and mhcr ~lets, and "~tncss to others. It docs this through prarcr me-etings, lltbk studies !ClOd br milita')'officcrs.andothcracti>•i tics. Row I: Jcnmf<•rOunid e,..osk t,Jcnmfcr Hale. Leah N.elson, Am}' H:o11ihba'l.oer. Ro"' 2: Eric B:dw. .>n, Mtcah Thorey, Tim S..nphcn, Tun Sun on. Pete Srringorth