2001 Miracle Yearbook
PHI G AMMA P S I Phi Gamma P si is a women's se n •i cc and social o rganization. Their goal is to provide fellowship, social activi- ties, and service oppor- tunities. P SI E PSILO N BETA Phi Epsilon Beta is a women's social and service oq,':lniza- rion. The purpose of PEB is to combine fellowship and spiri tual growth with ministry. PEB helps clean the Miami Vallq \"~;'omen's Center and helps with other various campus activities. I' EB is also acti,·ely im·ol,·ed with their brother organization, Sigma Ph i l..:~mbda. Row I: Rebekah RcynoiJs, Brooke Burgett, Janoce Mauriti Row 2: Tam• Zgrdbhch. Jamie Rod:e. Kah' MansC.eiJ. RO\Io· J, Kandacc Ken)"On, Jcnmfer Drexel, Rmh Laramore. MchSS<~Knaus,Nicolette Kmg Row\: JoohuJMay, t-.t•sty Ma\·m•rd.ErinA,·cry, AnnaAvcry,John Erickson. Kenneth Nielson. Row Z:N:uh:m Reynolili,Justi •l C.Wood (BC).Mark Hayi'$.Dan Costin,JohnCo.nl)(on, Paullabordc.LeviOangi, DusunWalkcr.Not pictur«!:Mic-JhHutchins. Gr..--cning,JulicBrnnon, )t'SlitcaEIIs.Michaela Cemctic.Bccky Cunningham, Mary £,-an, Amber Burroughs, Bccca Carl . Row 3: Jessica Snedeker, Emily Cronbat.tgh,Chariry Spcrocer.BcthanyHoff. Kate Shank, julie Quinn, RishaStockton, Lia ARMY ROTC
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