2001 Miracle Yearbook

S EAM TheSocietyofEngineers Aiding l!.tinionsisa~· org=izationthis)·ar. Th~· mec:tbi-,,•«kl)·forpnrer and fellowship. Their aim istopnyformissiorurics. pto"ickinfonru.tionabout minion,.andsptntuall)' n>eo<~ngcengirottn.'fhc1· a"'incon.,.ct,.·•thafc:w engir>ttringisagt"•t,.,.yto sn'\"~God. S IFE Studcntsin FrccEmcrprisccxisttogi,·cs tudcntsthebcst opportunity to make~ difference and dc,·clop leadership, comm1.1nication. and teamwork ski ll s. Cedarville SIFE fulfill sthismissionbyconductinged~.~cationalprojcctsin local schoolsandscrviccprojcctsforloc:~.l businesses. ROV>· 1: EmilyA INn....,. Aman<b Bri!jg$, llfflokc Buflt"u. Allioon R...,muma.O;mdlc Ellil. Row 2: Angcb Brooks, Amlln<b Odflnger.AmandaBarcholorn<:,.,Rcb«caEapln>ki.Sarilh O.mels, W,lla J..<:,.·cr'(. Andrea W1ruhir. Row 3: St~,·c Storer. Kent w.....,•. Jacob Abbo. O..n Dunham, Brian Allron, Mclossa O..nno:mHkr. T1m MOOkr. Row4: Br.>ndon Holflll3n,Jor1 S. Adarm. )od Tomk•IUOn. O..vid Dlnj~tman. Nocholas WahQn, ~buM .. p...,]cr. Andrcy Arkh1p<W, K•mbe<ly EriJon. A IR FORCE ROTC Air l'orce ROTC tr.lins le:~dcn for the 21• century in preparation for their commissioning officers in the United States Anny. The skills learned both in ROTC and Ccdar"illc Uni"crsi ty prcparc the cadc-15 for the challcngl'ofpre$CmingtheGospclallo,·crthcll'Orld Rmo· I: John Gl.:u, Samud Hmchins. joel Roberts, Eric Bab$on. Pete Spinginh, Tim Ho lemann, Man Buehler. RO\O' l: Brandon~-. Tristan Frt~, Leah Niel~. JcnnifcrChmidev•oM:i, Su.•ph<>n Tid,.·cll,Jcnnifer Hale, Nathan Mann, Adam Stkgclmeoer. Row): jeaneu<' Brogan,JoserhProctor,SI:<'rhenBrucken,D-d' '"Colroo, Mauhe10· Snyder, T im Sutton, Tim Sutphen. Daniel Shcllcnber~:er , Jew: Hornback. 259 Or gu iu tio ns