2001 Miracle Yearbook

Canoe Race lbeTighcy-Whitey,The Algae Eater II, Procrastination's Destiny, and jo ll y Rogers were a few of t he many creat ive names used for this yea r's homemade canoes. The annua l cardboard canoe race is a tradition for the freshmen mechanical engineers (ME's) as twenty-two canoes attempted to brave the waters of Cedar Lake. Participants bu ilt the ca noes following spec ific guidcl ines, and thestudemsspcm as much as ten to twenty hours building their boats. Despite the amount of effort, four of the twenty-two sunk e ither <U the stan of the race or as they neared the middle. There were also was boat number rwcnry-rwo, the Tighry-Whitey, finishing with a timeof2 minutesand 47.7 =<>n<k. However, t he engineers were not t he onl y ones who designed and built canoes. The Christian Nurses Association built acanoe named the Nursing Nightmare, which came in at 3 minutes, 14.4 seconds, flrst in its class ofnon-cnginccringcanocs. Themathand sciencebootcamc in second. Some of the more memorable boats were the OOx· shaped soc ial scie nce Bush/ Cheney canoe, and the faculty kayak, which didn't make ir pasr the stan. The race provided not onlyachallellj,>efOr thefreshmen ME's, but the beautiful day and classical music played near the flnish line added to the unique Cedar Lake traditiononceagain.