2001 Miracle Yearbook
STC The student chapter of STC cxis1s to promote 1cchni~l and profes- sional communication and prepare students fora successful career. STUDENT COURT Student Court is an extension of SGi\, desib>ncd to pro,·idc an outlet for smdcms to appeal mtffic \'iola- dons and demerits. The Coun works closclr "''i th Campus Safety to be of scn·icc to the smdcm bcxly of Cedarville. 'fbc coun mtttJ 3-4 times per guarter to hear eases. after ,.-hich they deliver a \'crdict for the snxkm. Rov.• I :JoeMul\'ane)·, MtehadFcrnj,ono,Piuhp She"'·drd. lhnnah L""nli(SIOII. Row z, Ruthie Pncc, Esd~er Haffey, jmtm Errcrly, Sam Lot:an. Robyn Du(t)es.>tca Ha)'fles, Kri§ta Wanler. Row 1: Amu..-eArnnur:l, Rachel Moyer, Hcodt Ychncrt,AmhcrV:,.,,.,;cr. Row2: Emil)· A lba nese, Mcg:m H:ouse,Moll y McO.i n,BcnNcshitt. K:o].,yjohnson.Rachdj. William$.CenyChillt' Orga niu tiono Row 1: L1urajoll<'y. AmandaOlsen, jennifer Walker.Ro.. ·l: Aleesha 1-b~,'<;:r,MeredithShinl:o, StephanMcMum~y. LmdsayEni:dmann.jen Ca5tallani.RCN•3 Stuckms for Religious Freedom :ne dcd ic:~.tcd tosuppon:ingthcsuffer- ingchurchworldv.idcby spc:~.king up :I.J1<i inform- ing the srudem body of religious persecution l'rayerisalsoanintl'b'T:I.I pan: ofthissuppon:.
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