2001 Miracle Yearbook

TAU B ETA PI ThcOhioNuchaptcrofl"au fkl:liPiUI!ISIO f~I~C juniorands.eniorcngm«r- ingm><knts foroutsr.u>d- ing~mw:::ac:hocvcmo:n<, :andstrongChnsoanchar.te- ,.,,,2li,...,Uasroprumotca spiriloflibcl'lllculturclnthc: cnginccr~ng profusoon. Thcy,...m.,.,ththcf.u:ulr, advisor, Or. Hu..·ood Hcgm, and pro.,dc scrncc projft:rsandmm«>rfrnh- mancngiroccringstudcms. TDK Tau Delta Kappa is the student honors organil':a!ion. '111cir goal is to cncourn~;c proplc tO think about what !her bc:lie,·c and ac1 it out. They w:~.m to imcgratc faith :~.nd life. One of the "'ars ther do this is by sponsoring forumswgi•·cstudentsachancetohearsomcel<pcrts discussissucsfaccdin thcworld. Row l: Rachel Heffield, Alicia MaM.I'atrkia HeMberger. RO\O' 2: Jenmfer 5«:01", Ktmbc:rly Eridon. SWE S\X"E cxiSIS to pn:widc fdlu...~hip and perform service projects. They bring in guest speakers ro t11lk about iSSUC$ women face in indusuics. They enjoy fdlO\\'Ship 1ogc1hcr and tr.wd to schools to 1alk 10 children about engineering and science. Ro..• l:lmdy Anderlmi, Jennifer Lu1es. Rob.,.n Dr••sslcr RO"· 2: Abtjl~tl Mitchell, Boomc H~mmood, jenny Ellt01t,ll3nn:oh&llou.