2001 Miracle Yearbook

SiGMA PHI LAMDA Sigma Phi Lamda is ~n Ol),>anization for men to further the cause of Christ on the University campus and their respective destinations. This is done through various actidtics that direct! )' in- vol\'e the campus and surrounding community. Row l: Sit>-., Pal,...., Lok il<yanr,Jooh Molltt, Mon Mon.... Row l: llrocl w... on. Tom rn...N., Enc 1\tnJrt, Mo~~ Thorr. T... SLc.w.J..,•nOcn R-1: AnJrt..,~.Don~. ~hk~ Colky, s.~,.., Bbcl , Noroo M.t.l, Aaron Cook. Row ~ Jooh '-'-'o. A"'"" "'-"'""· l~n l)l.clC'f, Nod ~IJ,,., jc.....,,p,...,..,o.,,.~ ll:ort-.AnJySchmodr U-99.5 U99.5 pro..-.d~srocby'sbcstm0:>nt~mporuyChri!ti:m MusK: <oohc student bod)·· Th11 rear, God hupro•·Kkd •hcm,.ith J nc:..· studio, new oiTocc sp;tcc, and a AC'\1>' confc~ room. They offer the: opponunuy for stU<ko ts from any major to TC«l\'CC:t(>C""U'«mndiOandthcchanc:cforbn.>adaosring majon togt'l 5<>l1lC upcncncc. U99.5 radio for Uand rT>OK! Row!• I""'Ro...Lon..I,J.....aJmlu..B<n""llanh.M~ Comho.EzonS...i<h,j.olln lb,:ky.llt<h.nrnr~<,-. R.,.z, Eh1oh w....,.,, llt"'n R.,., Jull<' M~l~ INna lbrr~>. KrMhetly EnJon, Krllo. RN,.,...., Mobn,. Sb~. Row J Shannon S.-.,n, N~thon FlooJ. S...rnn><• Alh10n, Adorn l»nkn, Mo.. lyn Har.,....,, S.r~ Obon, Kr1>ti Aboldncoo, ]OO< Co<<>ntl, K~rrn M,.~ Row 1: Woll Jonb, CluJ lloiM", Afll>.ndo ToyLo., Jon Troy<:r. Mr~on P...kroon, Shown St..,!>tru,ScO< t Vonloo, Did "Chiel" Wolktt(Advooor).R.,.l: 1\oh Koehn, B«ca N,..,....,, Tr<nt lbmoltoo, Ahoon R<nnt.,...,Enn£,.·,1. ,..,....., P<><l....,n, llrool: l!ul)l<tt. Ro...J:jonorlk Ruclr. K r~ttcnOnrnn<'f. Gnr- B.>nll<, j..,.....y llt.Jnrr,Jdf S...r, To.N Torr. l ynn I(.,.,_., flt..tt 1\ucktn~"'·S..rohO.ok. Row4K.vonk>~. Sar.ahBuho:Jr,O...Dunham, Clm> llurd>oru. M><t-1 IYrnJ[IIO. C.l..t.Smuh. "' Orga niza t ions