2001 Miracle Yearbook

Though the lCXX>-2001 season brought a newcoach and a new set of challenges for the young teams, Moonlight Madness gave them t he opponunitytodemonstratcthcir ta lents in front of their home fans. Freshmen and un.nsfershad their first oppon unity to experience a basketball game at Cedarville. The team's new coach, Ray Slagle said, "I don't know how many games we'll win, but I wam them to get beuer with each g:nne we play." The team The evening also gave lookedforwardtoatoughscason theathleticdcparunentachance as they were ranked II out of 12 to showcase all of the varsity teams in the AMC pre·season athletic teams. Between the coaches' polL The me n 's lady's 1,-ame and the men's, the basketball team had only five Men'sGlee Club s:mg the "Star returning players. Spangled Banner" while the Junior captain C urt University's sportS teams fi lled Fleck hoped to lead the team to the gym floor. a bcucr season than last year. The men's game began Moonlight Madness gave the justasthegames wouldforthe team just a little extra rest of the season as the I,'Ym encouragement as it fought its lights dimmed and Dr. MatsOn, way to a great year. the emcee, annou nced the playersastheyrnn omothecoun to the sounds of the pep band. 27 Stud rntLifr