2001 Miracle Yearbook

I remembergoing to High Street inColumbus with Jared on Friday nights withOpen Heirs. He was always try ing to reach out to the unsaved on the streets. He encouraged me by his caring works and actions to be bold in my wit nessing. I thank God that] got to know Jared for my first ye:. r ofcollege and I pray that Iwi ll become bold like he was when ta lking about my Lord.-- Kat e Russell P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jonathan Leach Jon and Ibegan dating when we were fifteen. Onour first double date we went to a movie, Jongot the biggest popcorn :.nd the biggest soda(yes, it'ssoda) he couId. Jon got so nervous that he spilied both of them allover... Little did Iknow that 5 years later he would ask me to marry him. l-I e took me to Cinn. by the river and gave me a card written in French, since I don' t know French he read it to me by the river.. It said''Thercarcmany thingsinthis world,andalthough Ican't promise them al l to you Ican promise you that I'll always love you, and then he gotdownon his knee and asked me to marry him. Iwas so excited that I forgot about the ring! Jonathan was a true gift from God,!enjoyedwhat wonderful memories Ihad with him."Some people come intoour lives and go, then there arc those who come for a shan time, leave imprints on ourheans then weare never the same' -Andrea Dufour Idido 'tget to know Jona than Leach as well as I would have liked to. l-I e was at the end ofmy hall in St. Clai r last year. We played on the same intramural basketball and softball teams, too. Hewas a rea ll y great guy, always friendly with good conversations. On top of that. he' s East Coast.-- Edward Low Jon wasoneofthe fi rst guys I metcominginasa Freshman. We played intramuralsoccertogether fal l quancrand found out we were both from little Dela- ware. Jon was selfless as an athlete and as a person. He was the kind ofguy that wanted to know my girlfriendbccausc heknewme. He was absolutely thrilled when Igot engaged last February, and I rcmcmbertalkingtohimduringthelastweckof schoollastyearabouthow awesome it was that we would bothbe gettingmarried the following summer. God has uscdJon 's deathto do many wondcrfulthings. Through Jon,God has taught me to take advantage ofeveryday I have with Erin because I never know when He will take me home. -- AndrewGingrich Iroomed with Jon my FrcshmenandJunioryearsand wehadalotofgreattimcstogethcr. Thelasttimewe spent together was at Assateaguc Island inAugustof 2000.less thenamonth before his acc ident. He bought a raftthatdaysoAndreaandhimcould ride somcwavcs. but thcrewcresomanyjellyfish floating around thatwe decided to stayclose to shore. We took a walk down the beach as the sun was sell ingand on the way home Jon took some picturesofthe wi ld horses. Afterwards, we went toan all-yoi.H.:an-eat seafood buffet and Iknow thatthcmanagcmentwasgladtoseeus lcave. Iwill ncvcrforgetthatday,norhowmuchhisfriendshipmcant tomeduringmycollegeyears. --Mark Freeman Jonathon Leach was always such an encouragement. I remcmbermanythingsabouthim,suchashismapsthat he always loved to usc, because he knew that therewas always ashortcrwayto get there, sleeping in chapel,and hisscnseofhumor.Onethingthatalwayssticksoutinmy mind whenever Ithink ofJon is that hewas trulydedi- cated to Christ ,and always wanted to do the right thing nomatterwhat. -- PattyBryant Iwent to kindergarten and first grnde withJonathon Leach.Aftcrfirstgradc.hisfarnilymovedandevcntu allymy fant ilymovcd. Fourteenyean; later,wemet up againatCedarvi llewhcnhis fmncC (girlfricndatthctimc), Andrea DuFour ended up in the same unit as me. Iwas soexcitedabout seeingmyoldelcmcntaryschool friend again. I'mthankful forthe friendships that Iformedwith OOth Jon and Andrea. -- Diane Biela 293 Memory