2001 Miracle Yearbook

Jamaica-Me-Crazy Hundrcdsof!inlesibs,fricnds, and parcntl> dcsccndt.-d on campus for Cedarville's annual Lil' Sibs Weekend. Each year the campus activitic:soffkc$p01l>OI"Cdan('t1tirc "wkend devoted w the little sib- lings of srudcnti. ll\1:! purpose w~ to provide an opporrunity fa- sib- lingstogctamstcofcollegclifcand tospendtimewith!hcirokkrbroth- ersandsistcrs. This year's theme was "Jamaica- Me-Crazy," and the campus activi- ties lxxml sponsored a party in the gym on Friday night with a Carib- bean flavor. The !.'Yin "'~lS full with ten air tO'j'S, icy s\ushies with Ha- waiian umbrellas, fruit drinks, and a theme-orienu.-d backdrop, so that srudems could ~oct a picture tak('TI with their liulc sib. Senior CAB member Janelle Rocke said, "It's always a lot: o( fun to help out with theli i'Sibspartybecauseyouhave a great time mLoeting everyone's sib- linb'S and watch ing them have fun to- j,>ethcr." &sidcst hcFr idaynightp:my.thcweek - cnd was brimming wit h activities. The wimcr play, Lost in Yonkerl, captivated audicncn.and rheJ:m Band performed for many \iulcsibs. The mco'sbaskctOOlhcam had extrn funs in alten£bnce since abo{ students took rheir sibs 10 the game. fur rhose with exira encq,')', Lare Nigh1 Bowl· ingin Bc:wercrcck "oasaspccialrreal. T oftni5holfthe "'Ct.'kend,campusorga· ni:!.11 ioru ADO and DOE joined forces to S{X)IlsorCupid's Bash.thcir:mnual wimcr quartcrcvcnt. T11c p:•rty featured popcorn, snow COOl'$, cotton candy, and rub-on run oos. Little sibs could e\·en have their faces painted by ADO members. The weekend was a dcftnile success. leaving everyone looking forw.ud to next year's Lil' S•bs weekend. Tim Cochrell's younger bro!hers, Aaron and R0$5, said thattheywi$htoddl.1tlheycouldsrny.