2001 Miracle Yearbook
Tlte Editor would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the production of tltis book. To the 1001 Miracle Staff: Writers, Layout Staff, and Photogra- phers, thank you for your hard work on this book. To the Layout Staff Iwould especially like to thank those ofyou who put in the extra time and effon on the large sections that needed to be com- pleted quickly. Be<:ky and John, we never would have finished theacedemicsections ifyou hadn'tstepped in to help. To Each of the Editors: Thank you for the great job in overseeing the work that your staffs have done during the entire year. Thank you so much for sticking itoutoverthecourseofthe entire year. To Kim: Thank you for keeping this place organized and helpingwhen it was needed. To Esther: I would especia ll y like to thank you for allyour extraworkattheend ofthe yea rand over the summer. If thereisoneperson that !couldn't have done without , it'syou. To Emily: Thank you for your help. To Cheri : Thank you for the greatjobthatyou did on the cover. To Rob: Thanks for your he lp in the production of this book. To Cyndi: Thank you for patience with me as we often had trouble meeting deadlines. To my friends ami Family: Thank you for your support while during the durntion ofthis long process. I love you all . To theemire Cedarville Unirersiry Family: Thank you for sharing in these memories with me. I would also like to thank you for patience in waiting for this book as it will arrive late. Ido hope that you will reall y enjoy it and that the pages within will always be are minder to you of the wonderfultimes that we've had at Cedarville. Sincerely, Boo 303 C losing
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