2001 Miracle Yearbook
CedarWhat? During the national Students claimed that the Third Pany election. Cedarville Uni>·cnity staged was a fresh allemativc to the other itsownel«tionwithaverydiffert'nt "big go,"CTTllllent" candidates. twist. Candidates guaranteed to When it came time to vote. students a spouse upon graduation, students became delegates at the breakfastinbed.anduniva-sal coolness.Dr.CariRubyandJason various states of representation. Madwell rallied support for their"Right During the convention. Jason Madwell to Wife" policy while Dr. Mortensen unexpettedly joined the Bowties. so and Professor Belliveau headed the Dr. Ruby abandoned his platfonnand Bowtie party. Panics tried rad ical joined the Third Party. After heated campaigntacticssuchasshouting spcechcs.cachstatetallicditsvotc thcirpoliticalagcndasfromthc Mortcnsen!Belliveauwon,puuingtlle rooftops and promising candy totiK!se Bowtiepanyin'office'insteadoftlle wllo"·ouldvotcforaccnainparty. Tlli rdPany. However,fromthemidstof tllesepromincntpaniessprangtllc iofamous "Third Party," represented by GersonMoreno-RiaooandCindy Suucr-Tii:cl,whoclaimedtot"'/y
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