2001 Miracle Yearbook
The beginning of the fall quaner is always closely fo llowed up by the first intramural team regis tration of the year. Upperclassmen and freshmen alike scramble to put together the best team possible. This past fall, there were a variety of athletic endeavors to chose from including soccer, fla g football , 3 on 3 basketball , sand volleyball , indoor volleyball, tennis and mo re. Senior Bob Kocher of the Drnter fl ag foot ball team stated, "Ourtcamwasn ' t as good as we thought we were going to be, but we definitely had fun and we had a pretty good cheering section which made it even more fun." The outdoor soccer teams 34 Student Life played rai n or shine provided there weren 't severe thunder and lightneningstonns. The mens intmlUral fina l pitted a B team called Footloose aga inst the A !cage favori te Hoosier Daddy. Footloose team capta in Sam Logan commented, ' 'It was really neat to see how a B league team with a relative lack of experi ence could pull together and make our way up through the playoffs. We were just sorry to sec it end in a 3+0 shut out." Directed by Mark Mathews, the intramural sports programs cont inues to be a fun way to spend time with friends and get some g reat exercise.
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