2001 Miracle Yearbook

Family Ties Every spring, students and parents alike look forward to the special weekend set aside at Cedarville University for parents. This busy and cxcitingwcckcndbeganwith Honors' Day Chapel on Friday morning, aod the DMC was crowded with families. Friday nightwasfilledwitheventsfor familics toauend,includingthc spring musical The Pirates of Peu:mrce and the annual Pops Concert. Saturday morning bcganwiththcPraycrand Praise Pancake Breakfast, which was organized to give an overview of MIS summer teams and to pray for those going out this summer on shon- tcnn missions. Parents appreci- ated hearing about the teams andsccingthrecofthc teams prcscntpuppets.musicand drama . Saturday aflcmoon was Becky Koslo"'skl can"! k~p her brothers 3\\'l!)' whro t!My come to vislt.(above) the IO'" Annual Parent s Week· end Golf Tournament at Sabastian l·lillsGolfCoursein nearby Jamestown, Ohio. Also that afternoon. the baseball team played against Asbury College, and the NCCAA Track and Field Championships took place. Later that evening, parents had the options of the play or the Dick and Mel Tunney concert. Duringtheirweekendat Cedarville, parents had the opportunitytovisitthecampus andobservcthcirstudcnts'livcs. Many attended classes with their child, as well as eating in the cafeteriaandvisitingthebook- store. Atthe samc timc. stu- dcntsenjoythequalitytimewith thcirparcntsandmeetingtheir friends' parents. At the close of theweckcnd.manystudentstook theirparentstothcchurches thcyattendwhileatCcdarville before saying good-bye.