2001 Miracle Yearbook
CedarMania More than lOOOjuniorhigh school students invaded the Cedarvil leUnivcrsitycampuson May \8-19 fora night fill edwith acti vi ties designed just for them. 1-leld annuallyatCcdarvillccach spring, thi seventdraws students fromallovcrthcMidwestand chal lcngcstheminthcirwalkwith Chri st, whi lcprovidinganightof funand ent ertainment. ThcthcmcofCcdarMania 2001 was' 'UphiliCiimb"rc lyingon the passage Psalm 24:3-6, and the activities drewon that fort heir names. Workers and volunteers spcnt hours anddaysdesigni ng each ac ti vity to provide the stu- dents with Biblical knowledgeas wcllaskeepthcm busy and ent ertained. Soulfree,acampus band, also Jed a time ofpraise and worship with the students, choosing songs that presented a clear gospel message,aswcllassongsthatthe studentswcrefamiliarwith. Eachofthestudentscame Rob Marshall gets involved with the kids activities. (above) 38 toCedarManiawithadifferent idea o fwhat was goi ng to happen and what they wanted out o f it. Andi Tegart from Fostoria, Ohio, sa id," I'm looking forward to everything:· Brax ton Cannon from Roseda le, Indiana, was a bit morespccifie. " l 'd liketomake new friends, learn about God, and learn how toplay asateam," he said. Cedarvi lle students were essential thenight' s progmm, scrvingascounsclors,gamc leaders, and support staff. They realized through the night the influence they were able to have on the students, even ifthey only knew them foronenight. Fresh· manChristinaNofzigersaid, ..They're not quitejaded by the world yet, but they'researching for answers and very open to things. I think my kids learned what itmeanttobccomecloser to God.'' Shawn Kellyand Dan Sudlow help to keep order at Ccdannani a. (below)
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