2001 Miracle Yearbook
Guests From Afar Thisycar,Cedarvi llcwel- come six va rious groups to center stage to pcrfonn in concert . Thcfallkickcdoff withCacdmon'sCall, Newsong, and Steve Green. Grccnisalwaysafavoritc guest among young and old because ofhis greatmessage One concert goer responded to his pcrfonnance by saying, '"Steve Green was trul y a blessi ng when he visi ted campus. He has a heart for mini stry and it shows in every- thinghcdocs." Sonic Flood entertained a packed audience and several high schoolcrs during the leadership week- end. Point ofGrace was the special feature for the spring quarter concert , and Dick and Mel Tunney livened up the Oneof the student bodies fm'Or- crowd during a fun-fill ed parent's weekend. Scott Van Loo, the school's concert organizer has done a great job ofinvit ingdi ffcrcnt types of group toCedarville to please all kindsofmusica l interests. One student commented, ··concens thi s year ranged from acoustic sets by Cacdmon' s Call to praise and worship led by Sonic Flood."' Rumor has it that there is a plan to br ing Third Day and other great contemporary anis ts tothcUni versitys tagcin thc future years. ACABmember summed up the experiences best by saying, ..Thisyear'sconcens provided an exec I lent opponu- nity fo r students to see several differcnt stylesofChristian music ."" Sooic Flood enter-
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