2001 Miracle Yearbook

Class Clash As the school )'Car close, and finals were close at hand, many students from each of the four classes took timeout on May 16-17 to participate in the annua lC lass Clash. Begun four years ago, this competition has evolved into a two day bat tl e, putting membcrsofthcclassesaga inst each other in such events as canoe races, dodge ball, and beach ball volleyball. The theme this year was "Return to Rohm," a take-off of the pop\1\ar movie Gladiator combined wit h Cedarville's own Pastor Bob Rohm, who was involved throughout the ent ire competi t ion. Senior Amy Nyhuis, SGA vice presi- dentsaid, "We wanted a theme that would be exciting and get people involved ....somcthing like the Olympics. The compet ition began on Wednesday evening with an O lympic-style opening cer- emony, including a parade through campus, a nd ended Thursday night with the "offi- cial" closing ceremony. Pastor Rohm announced the winners, Classof2004 , in chapel the fol· lowing day. Studems e n joyed t he good- natured rivalry between the classes and came oul nor only w participate, but also w cheer for their classmates. The event helped classma tes work together, forming fri endships and bonds that will las t until they graduate. Seniordassprcs i- dent Bob Lut: sa id, ' 'We wanted Here the EMS helps an injured competitor. (right)