2001 Miracle Yearbook

Pep Band The first thing insight when inside the gym for a 2000-200 I season basketball game was an annyorinstrumemalisiSthattook up the entire east end of the basketball coun. This sea of peoplemade up the 2000-200 I Cedarville University PepBand, the largest one to date. The pep band kept Jacke t basketball fans thoroughly entertained with crazy antics and songs tha t fil led thcgymwithcncrgy. For many fans,thcbandwasascen tralto the atmosphere ofthe gymas the checrlcadcrsorthcBcc. "Our pep band has such presence at the basketball games,·· said Eric Mitchell. ' 'Thcycan changcthc mood of the fans by ptayingjust one song.·· Joe Strychalski said. ··tr the band didn' t play, it would be likcsittinginthel ibrary- withoutall the books:' Music is not the only thing tha t contribu ted to the atmosphere; pep band members were themse lves avid basketball fans,and theytrulyenjoyedchecring on the team. '' I absolutely love the games,"saidmemberJessica Flynn, a senior flut ist. " I fee l the pep band he lps keep the spi rit of the game alive when the crowd isn't up and yell ing. Even ifwe'renot winni ng, the pep band keeps playing, and we keep rooting for the team." Other fans could not help but be affected by the enthusiasm ofthe band, with or without music. So even though these cheerleaders may no t have done back handsprings or wave pom-poms, they were certainly an indispcnsablepartoftheatmospherc on game nigh t. President Dixoo shakes hands with the rep Band director Mike DiCuricl. (above! MikeDiCuricl leads his band. pl~ing his trumpet with those smooth Ongers. (aba.·e right)